Npi Number For 858 Area Code

Npi number for 858 area code – Welcome to the ultimate guide to NPI numbers for the 858 area code. In this comprehensive resource, we’ll dive into everything you need to know about finding and verifying NPI numbers for healthcare providers in the San Diego region.

Whether you’re searching for a new doctor, verifying the credentials of an existing provider, or simply want to learn more about the healthcare system, this guide has got you covered.

NPI Number Lookup

Area codes cbs8

An NPI (National Provider Identifier) number is a unique 10-digit number assigned to healthcare providers in the United States. It is used to identify providers in all healthcare settings, including hospitals, clinics, and private practices.To look up an NPI number for a specific 858 area code, you can use the following steps:

NPI Number Lookup for 858 Area Code

  • Visit the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) website.
  • Click on the “Search” tab.
  • Select “NPI Number” from the drop-down menu.
  • Enter the 858 area code in the “Provider City/State/Zip Code” field.
  • Click on the “Search” button.

The results will display a list of healthcare providers with NPI numbers in the 858 area code.

Provider Search

Cbs8 dialing

Finding the right healthcare provider is essential for maintaining your health and well-being. When searching for a provider in the 858 area code, it’s crucial to consider their qualifications, experience, and reputation.

An NPI number is a unique identifier assigned to healthcare providers in the United States. Using an NPI number to search for providers in the 858 area code can help you find qualified and licensed healthcare professionals.

Tips for Using an NPI Number to Search for Providers

  • Visit the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) website.
  • Enter the NPI number in the search bar and click “Search.”
  • Review the provider’s profile, including their name, address, phone number, and specialties.
  • Check the provider’s credentials, such as their medical license and board certifications.
  • Read patient reviews and testimonials to gather feedback from others who have used the provider’s services.

NPI Number Database

Npi number for 858 area code

Accessing a comprehensive database of National Provider Identifiers (NPIs) is crucial for verifying the credentials of healthcare providers and facilities. The NPI Number Database provides a centralized repository of NPI numbers, enabling you to search for specific providers or facilities within a given area code, including the 858 area code.

Using the Database

To use the NPI Number Database, visit the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) website. The NPPES database contains information on all healthcare providers and facilities assigned an NPI number. You can search the database using various criteria, including provider name, location, and NPI number.

Healthcare Directories

Healthcare directories provide comprehensive listings of healthcare professionals, including their NPI numbers. These directories can be valuable resources for patients seeking qualified providers in the 858 area code.

Reputable Healthcare Directories


-*National Provider Directory (NPI Registry)

The official database maintained by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) that includes all NPI numbers for healthcare providers nationwide.

  • -*American Medical Association (AMA)

    The largest professional organization for physicians in the United States, offering a directory of AMA members with NPI numbers.

  • -*Healthgrades

    A comprehensive online directory of healthcare providers with NPI numbers, patient reviews, and quality ratings.

  • -*Vitals

    Looking up the NPI number for the 858 area code? You’re not alone. In fact, the S&P 500 stood at 1848 on April 1, 2024, according to this article . But back to the NPI number for the 858 area code, it’s a unique identifier for healthcare providers in that region.

    Make sure you have the correct one for your records.

    A user-friendly directory that allows patients to search for providers by specialty, location, and insurance acceptance.

Benefits of Using Healthcare Directories, Npi number for 858 area code


-*Verify Provider Credentials

Ensure that healthcare providers are licensed and have valid NPI numbers.

  • -*Find Qualified Professionals

    Identify providers with specific specialties, experience, and qualifications.

  • -*Compare Provider Ratings

    Read patient reviews and quality ratings to make informed decisions about providers.

  • -*Access Contact Information

    Obtain providers’ addresses, phone numbers, and websites for easy communication.

  • -*Filter Search Results

    Narrow down search results based on location, insurance acceptance, and other criteria.

NPI Number Verification: Npi Number For 858 Area Code

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Verifying an NPI number before scheduling an appointment is crucial to ensure you are dealing with a legitimate healthcare provider. An NPI number is a unique 10-digit identifier assigned to healthcare providers by the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

It helps prevent fraud, ensures accurate billing, and streamlines communication within the healthcare system.

How to Verify an NPI Number for a Provider in the 858 Area Code

To verify an NPI number for a provider in the 858 area code, you can use the following methods:

  • NPPES NPI Registry:Visit the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) website and search for the provider’s NPI number. This will provide you with basic information about the provider, including their name, address, and specialty.
  • State Licensing Board:Contact the California Medical Board or the California Dental Board to verify the provider’s license and NPI number. They can provide you with additional information about the provider’s credentials and disciplinary history.
  • Provider’s Website or Office:Check the provider’s website or contact their office directly to confirm their NPI number. Legitimate providers should be able to provide you with their NPI number upon request.

NPI Number Table

Npi number for 858 area code

The following table provides a list of NPI numbers in the 858 area code, along with the corresponding provider name, specialty, address, and phone number.

NPI Number Information

Provider Name Specialty Address Phone Number
John Doe, MD Family Medicine 123 Main Street, San Diego, CA 92101 (858) 123-4567
Jane Smith, MD Internal Medicine 456 Elm Street, San Diego, CA 92102 (858) 234-5678
Michael Jones, MD Pediatrics 789 Oak Street, San Diego, CA 92103 (858) 345-6789

User Queries

What is an NPI number?

An NPI (National Provider Identifier) number is a unique 10-digit number assigned to healthcare providers in the United States. It is used to identify providers for the purpose of billing and other administrative processes.

How can I find an NPI number for a provider in the 858 area code?

There are several ways to find an NPI number for a provider in the 858 area code. You can use the NPI Lookup tool on the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) website, or you can search for providers by name or specialty on healthcare directories like Healthgrades or WebMD.

Why is it important to verify an NPI number?

Verifying an NPI number is important to ensure that the provider you are seeing is who they say they are and that they are licensed and in good standing. You can verify an NPI number on the NPPES website or by contacting the provider’s licensing board.