Hidden Figures Viewing Guide Answer Key

The Hidden Figures Viewing Guide Answer Key serves as a comprehensive guide to the inspiring film that celebrates the remarkable achievements of African American women mathematicians at NASA. This guide delves into the historical context, character profiles, mathematical concepts, social impact, and educational value of the film, providing a deeper understanding of the triumphs and challenges faced by these unsung heroes.

Historical Context

Hidden figures viewing guide answer key

The film “Hidden Figures” is set during the Space Race, a period of intense competition between the United States and the Soviet Union to achieve dominance in space exploration. The African American women mathematicians depicted in the film played a crucial role in the success of NASA’s space program, performing complex calculations that were essential for the successful launch and operation of spacecraft.

These women faced significant challenges due to the prevailing racial and gender discrimination of the time. Despite their exceptional abilities, they were often relegated to menial tasks and denied opportunities for advancement. Their contributions were largely unrecognized until the release of the film, which brought their stories to a wider audience.

Character Profiles

Hidden figures viewing guide answer key

Katherine Johnson

Katherine Johnson was a mathematician and physicist who played a pivotal role in the calculation of trajectories for NASA’s space missions. She was responsible for verifying the accuracy of the calculations made by the IBM computers, ensuring the safety and success of the Apollo 11 moon landing.

Dorothy Vaughan, Hidden figures viewing guide answer key

Dorothy Vaughan was a mathematician and supervisor who led the West Computing Group at NASA’s Langley Research Center. She was the first African American woman to be promoted to a supervisory position at NASA and played a key role in the development of electronic computing.

Mary Jackson

Mary Jackson was a mathematician and engineer who worked on the development of the Mercury and Apollo space programs. She was the first African American woman to become an engineer at NASA and faced significant barriers due to her race and gender.

Mathematical and Scientific Concepts

Hidden figures viewing guide answer key

The film “Hidden Figures” explores several key mathematical and scientific concepts that were essential for the success of NASA’s space program.

  • Orbital mechanics: The study of the motion of objects in space, including the calculation of trajectories and velocities.
  • Calculus: The branch of mathematics that deals with rates of change and is used to calculate the trajectory of spacecraft.
  • Linear algebra: The branch of mathematics that deals with vectors and matrices, and is used to solve systems of equations that arise in spaceflight.
  • Differential equations: Equations that describe the rate of change of a quantity, and are used to model the motion of spacecraft.
  • Computer programming: The use of computers to solve complex mathematical problems, and was essential for the success of NASA’s space program.

Social and Cultural Impact

The film “Hidden Figures” has had a significant social and cultural impact, shedding light on the challenges and triumphs faced by African American women in the STEM field.

  • Increased awareness: The film has raised awareness of the contributions of African American women to science and technology, and has inspired young people to pursue careers in these fields.
  • Challenged stereotypes: The film has challenged stereotypes about women and minorities in STEM, and has shown that they can make significant contributions to these fields.
  • Promoted diversity: The film has promoted diversity in STEM fields, and has encouraged organizations to recruit and retain more women and minorities.

Educational Value

The film “Hidden Figures” can be used as an educational tool to teach about a variety of topics, including:

  • History: The film provides a glimpse into the history of the Space Race and the role of African American women in NASA.
  • Science: The film explores several key mathematical and scientific concepts that are essential for the success of spaceflight.
  • Diversity: The film promotes diversity in STEM fields and encourages students to pursue careers in these areas regardless of their race or gender.

FAQ Compilation: Hidden Figures Viewing Guide Answer Key

What is the significance of the Hidden Figures story?

The Hidden Figures story sheds light on the remarkable contributions of African American women mathematicians to NASA’s space program, highlighting their resilience, determination, and brilliance in overcoming racial and gender barriers.

How does the film explore mathematical and scientific concepts?

The film presents complex mathematical and scientific concepts in an accessible manner, demonstrating their practical applications in the context of NASA’s space program, such as orbital mechanics and trajectory calculations.

What is the educational value of the Hidden Figures film?

The film serves as a valuable educational tool, inspiring students to pursue STEM careers, promoting diversity and inclusion in these fields, and fostering a greater appreciation for the history of science and technology.